Držač "Čuvarkuće" od kartona za jaja/ Egg holder from the egg box

Kartonsko pakovanje od jaja je odličan materijal za igranje svojom kreativnošću. Iako je Uskrs odavno prošao, možda se i Vi bavite idejom gde i kako odložiti čuveno crveno jaje "čuvarkuću"? Evo jedne kreaKtivne ideje za držača "čuvarkuće".


Egg box is a great material for playing with your creativity. In Serbia, Easter was two weeks ago, but we have a custom to keep one red egg until the next Easter, so that it "keeps" your house, as a lucky charm egg.. This is one creaCtive idea for making a holder for the egg - "the keeper of your house".

Prvo odsecite jedan deo od kartona za jaja, kao što je prikazano na slici. //// First, cut off one piece of the egg box, as it is shown on the picture.

Trebaće vam sledeći materijal: //////////// You`ll need this material:

Dalje je lako. Prvo obojite odsečeni deo, pa sačekajte da se osuši. Potom nacrtajte brkove i oči, i odsecite ih, pa potom i zalepite. I tananana, eto gotovog držača!! ///////////////// Further on, it`s very easy. First, you paint the cut part and wait for it to dry. After that, draw moustache and eyes on the paper and cut it off. Then you glue it to the holder. And taadaa, here`s your egg holder!

Raznorazne ideje o načinima korišćenja kartona od jaja možete videti ovde. ///////////////////// All kinds of ideas on how you can use an egg box, you can find here.

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