How to make your own shoes? - tutorial ///// Kako da sebi sami napravite cipele? - tutorial

Malo je falilo da bacim ove divne cipele... ///// I was about to throw these beautiful shoes away...


Zbog ovoga: ////  Because of this:

I onda sam na Internetu videla da su neki ljudi svoje stare cipele prekrivali heklerajima. Hm? Odlučih da probam i ja. Nemam šta da izgubim, ionako sam htela da ih bacim.. Evo kratkog tutorijala kako sam ih "sredila". Od materijala vam je potrebno:

(neko platno od nekog punog materijala) - ovo vam treba ako vam boja hekleraja nije ista kao cipele
lepak za platno i četkica


And then I saw on Internet that some people were covering their old shoes with doilies. Hm? I`ve decided to try that also. I didn`t have anything to lose. I was planning to throw them anyway. Here`s a short tutorial of how I "did" them. From the material you`ll need:

(some cloth form a thick material) - u will need this if the colour of the shoes isn`t the same as the doilie
Mod podge

Pošto bi komplikovano bilo da prekrijem celu cipelu odjednom, odlučila sam da prvo prekrijem prednji deo: //////////////// Since it would be complicated to cover the shoe all at once, I`ve decided to first cover the front part:

 .. i onda deo sa strane... //// .. and then the part from the side...

Pričvrstite štipaljkom platno uz prednji deo cipele, i premažite prednji deo lepkom. //////// Fix the cloth to shoe with a clothespin, and put glue to the front part of the shoe.

Makazama isecite deo platna oko cipele i malo pričvrstite štipaljkama. /////// Cut the rest of the cloth with scissors and fix the cloth to the shoe with clothespins, so that it glue well.

Isto uradite i sa ostalim delovima cipele, pa ju potom premažite lepkom još jednom. ////// You do the same with the rest part of the shoe, and then put glue over it again.

Uradite isto sa heklerajem, samo što od njega jedan deo zalepite i za unutrašnji deo cipele, kako se ne bi gulio i cepao dok hodate. Pričvrstite štipaljkama. ////// Do the same with the doilie, but now glue one part of it to the inner part of the shoe too, so that it doesn`t cut or peel while you are walking. Fix it with clothespins.

Dok je cipela još mokra od lepka, čačkalicom je oblikujte pri krajevima, naročito kod đona. ////// While the shoe is still wet from the glue, shape it with a toothpick, especially at the sole.

Ostavite da odstoji preko noći... I kada se probudite, dobićete ovo: ///// Let it leave dry during the night, and, when you wake up, you will get this:

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