Paper rosette wreath

Sećate li se ovog posta? Opet sam bila inspirisana da eksperimentišem sa papirnim cvetovima, pa sam napravila venčić od njih. Jedini venčić koji sam našla je ovaj ružni, svetlucavi, pa sam morala celog da ga prekrijem. Iskreno, zamislila sam da će skroz drugačije da izgleda i ispao je previše šaren i pomalo kič, ali je ipak našao svoje mesto u našem skromnom domu. Papirne cvetiće sam opet kombinovala sa heklanim delovima, dodala malo grančica i lepila vrućim lepkom na venčić.


Remember this post? I was inspired to experiment with paper rosettes again, so this time I made a wreath with them. The only wreath that I had found was this little, ugly, shiny one, so I had to cover it all with the rosettes. Honestly, I imagined it to look completely different, and it turned out too colourful and a bit kitsch, but it still has found its place in our little home. Once again I have combined the rosettes with doilie, and I added a few branches and glued it with hot glue on the wreath.

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