Polenta and spinach balls //// Slane kuglice od palente i spanaća

Kada sam počinjala sa ovim blogom, nisam ni pomislila da ću ovoliko vremena posvetiti receptima. No, život nas svaki dan iznenađuje, kao i mi sami sebe, jel tako? Kako vreme prolazi, sve više otkrivam strast prema testu, salatama, povrću i kolačima. Moj momak i nije baš srećan zbog toga, jer je on ljubitelj pravih domaćih (a ne internacionalnih) jela, koja se kuvaju i "krčkaju"... Ali, trudimo se da se nađemo na sredini...

Kuglice sam osmislila za žensko okupljanje koje sam priredila povodom svog skorašnjeg rođendana (link). Uz divan prilog od patlidžana iz Minjine kuhinjice, umak od paradajza i tortilja čips, i naravno domaći Bailey`s, o kom sam skoro postovala, veče je bilo više nego uspešno. 


When I was starting this blog, I would have never thought that I would write this much time to the recipes. However, we are surprised by life every day, as well as by ourselves, right?  As the time is passing, I am discovering a passion to pastas, salads, vegetables and cakes/sweets. My BF is not that happy about that, because he is the lover of real domestic meals, which are cooked or boiled.. However, we are trying to  meet somewhere in the middle...

I made the balls for my women gathering which I organized for my birthday (link). With wonderful eggplant starter from Minjina kuhinjica, tomato dip and tortilla chips, and of course with homemade Bailey`s, the evening was more than successfull.

Palenta mi je hit već neko vreme, i svaki put se začudim lakoćom i brzinom njenog spremanja, a i bogatstvom različitih ukusa koje može pružiti. Na kraju, ona ipak nije samo hrana siromašnih :)

Potrebno vam je:

250g palente
500 ml supe
200g spanaća
150g feta sira
belance ili sojin maslac
susam, semenke

Palentu sam skuvala u provreloj povrtnoj supi. Potom sam dodala izmrvljeni feta sir i blago obareni spanać. Ako je spanać svež, ne mora se ni bariti. Ukoliko je smesa mekana, dodavati kukuruzno ili neko drugo brašno, da bi se lakše oblikovale kuglice. Obzirom da mi je sestra vegan, zbog nje sam kuglice valjala u rastopljeni sojin maslac, pa potom u susam i suncokret. (Umesto feta sira, u njene kuglice sam stavljala neki sojin namaz sa mirođijom koji sam imala u frižideru). Poređati kuglice na pek papir u tepsiji, i peći na 200C dok ne porumene. Jednostavno, ukusno, zdravo!


Polenta is a discovery for me for a while, and every time I`m surprised with the easiness and short period of time for preparation, as well as with the richness of the tastes it can offer. At the end, it`s not just the food for the poor :)

You will need:

250g polenta
500ml vegetable broth
200g spinach 
150g feta cheese
egg white or soya butter
sesame, sunflower seed

Cook polenta in hot vegetable broth. Add slightly boiled spinach and cheese. If the spinach is fresh, there`s no need to boil it. If the mixture is wet, add corn flower until it becomes suitable to from the balls. Considering that my sister is vegan, for her I dipped the balls in soya butter, but you can dip it in the egg white. Also, for her I didn`t put cheese, but soya cream. After that, dip it in the sesame and sunflower seed. Put it on the bake paper, and bake it on 200C until it get brown. Simple, tasty, healthy!

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