Recycled jewelry box

Skoro sam si kupila jedno divno donje rublje (koje se ne vidi dobro na slici, da mi ne bi slučajno zabranili post :) )... A ostala mi kutija...


Recently I have bought beautiful piece of lingerie (which you can`t see well on the photo, since I don`t want it to be banned from the blog :) )...

Desilo se i to da mi se polomio jedan stalak na kom su mi stajale minđuše, pa se rodila ideja kako da povežem prvo opisanu situaciju, sa ovom drugom:


What happened also is that a hanger for my earrings was broken, so then came the idea to connect previously described situation, with the one of losing the earrings:

Ovo je moj prvi pokušaj decoupaga, pa ćete oprostiti na malo neurednom izgledu. Nisam htela ništa da sređujem i brišem sa slika... Kutija je meni lepše i jednostavnije izgledala pre nego što sam polepila pampure, ali da sam je ostavila takvu onda bi se u potpunosti izgubio smisao, jer opet ne bih imala gde da kačim minđuše.

Evo koji su koraci do ovakve kutije:

1. Prvo sam je celu obojila belom temperom.


This was my first attempt of decoupage, so you`ll escuse me for its messy look. I didn`t want to photoshop or erase anything from the photos... The box was a bit nicer and more simple looking before I glued all the winecorks, but I didn`t want to leave it like that, because then again I wouldn`t have anywhere to hang the earrings.

Here are the steps for making this box:

1. First I coloured it with the white paint.

2. Potom sam je decoupage-irala. //////////// 2. Then I decoupaged it.

3. Kada se sve lepo osušilo, krenula sam sa lepljenjem: prvo čipka, pa preko traka, pa juta. I na kraju pampuri i školjkice!

Kao što se može videti, prvo sam je sređivala bez poklopca, da bih na kraju shvatila da će mnogo lepša i praktičnija biti sa poklopcem.


3. When everything dried well, I started the gluing: first the lace, then the green stripe, and afterwards the yute. At the end, winecorks and shells!

As it can be seen, first I was making it without the cover, but I realized that it would be much nicer and more practical with it.

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