All those DIY flowers

Već par puta sam vam obećavala post o različitim papirnim cvetovima koje sami možete napraviti. Nema tu nikakve posebne nauke. Na Internetu ima dosta predloga za neke osnovne tehnike, a negde usput vam se rodi još hiljade novih ideja, i kreativni zanos vas onda veoma lako odvede u nekom novom pravcu. Naročito kada za zadatak imate da napravite veliki broj cvetova za neku priliku.

Cvetovi od krep papira

Osnovne instrukcije sam vadila iz ovog videa:


A few times already I was promising you to post about how to make DIY flowers. There`s nothing special complicated about them. There are lots of suggestions on Internet, and then somewhere on the way you get a thousand ideas more, so creative exaltation easily takes you on some new direction. Especially if you have a task to make lots of flowers.

Crepe paper flowers

Basic instructions I saw from this video:

Manje cvetove sam pravila kao ukrase na stolovima, a veći su bili na pozadini za slikanje ili su visili na zavesama. Umesto zelene drške sa snimka, vezivala sam ih običnim tankim koncem za šivenje. 


Smaller flowers I made as decoration for the tables, and bigger ones were used for a backdrop or were hanging on the curtains. Instead of a green handle form the video, a tied the paper with sewing thread. 

Možete kombinovati, pa za donje delove staviti zeleni papir, te će ceo cvet delovati autentičnije, sa laticama i listovima. Kakve sve to vrste cvetova možete praviti od krep papira, pogledajte ovde:


You can make all kinds of combinations. For eg. you can put green paper downside, so that whole flower looks more authentic, with all the petals and leaves. What kind of flowers you can make, see here:

Razlika je samo u tome kako ih sečete u pretposlednjem koraku.

Cvetovi od kartonskog papira

Za ove cvetove nisam gledala nikakav tutorijal, već sam pustila mašti na volju. Ovo su neki od cvetova koje sam napravila:


The difference is just in the way of how you cut them in the last few steps.

Cardboard paper flowers

For all these flowers I didn`t see any tutorial, but instead I let my imagination drive me. These are some of the flowers I made:

Savijala sam ih po sredini i spajala delove. Lepila sam ih silikonskim lepkom. Potom sam pravila i ovakve čudne tvorevine: 


I bent them in the middle and them joined all the parts. I glued them with silicone gun. Then, I made these kind of strange combinations also:

Pojedinačno gledani ne deluju kao cvetovi, ali ušuškani među ostalim cvećem, itekako su zamirisali. Krugove sam obeležavala velikim tanjirom, pa sam sekla sitne trake.

Bilo je tu još idejnih rešenja, ali ne bih da vas prebukiram informacijama. "Bogatiju ponudu cveća" možete pronaći na mojoj Pinterest stranici.


When you look at them separately, they maybe don`t look like flowers, but cuddled among all the others they also have smelled nicely. The circles for these flowers I was marking with a plate, and then I was cutting those thin stripes.

There were some other creative solutions of mine, but I wouldn`t like to bother you with abundant informations. "A bit richer flower offer" you can find on my Pinterest page.

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