Lagan obrok za lagano jutro ///// Easy meal for an easy morning

*Scroll down for English version

Došla je zima, a sa njom i manje kretanja, više ljuljuškanja, godženja i svih onih drugih glagola koji asociraju na mirovanje, topao dom i ljubav. Barem mene. A zimi je i ishrana uglavnom drugačija. Da ne kažem, manje zdravija. Kreću svinjokolji, vreme je za gulaše, pečenja. A kako takva ishrana nekima teško pada, to je onda još jedan razlog da mirovanje bude neizbežan imperativ! Pa onda dođe proleće, a sa njim i par kila više, i nezadovoljstvo zbog izgleda. Neki tada nastave da se samosažaljevaju, a neki krenu na ubrzane treninge, kako bi se blagovremeno sredili za leto. 

Meni je teška hrana uvek teška, i gledam da je izbegavam. To je ponekad neizvodljivo, obzirom da mi je muž tipični "vojvođanski gurman", ali uglavnom uspevam. Godinama sam redovno posećivala teretanu (ponajviše i zimi, kada nikoga nema), a pošto već nekoliko meseci ne idem na treninge, trudim se da 2-3 puta nedeljno to barem delimično nadomestim kućnim vežbanjem. Pa neka je to i 3x20 minuta, svakako je efektivnije od traženja izgovora. I dalje nastojim da jednom dnevno popijem sok od 1 grejpfruta i dve pomorandže, a u nedostatku neke od tih voćki, neretko ubacim i limun. Sok ne šećerim, ne dodajem vodu. Tako da ispada da dnevno pojedem minimalno dve pomorandže i jedan grejp. Za moju visinu i građu, nije loše. A verujte mi, ni za moj stomak.

Kad smo kod stomaka i laganih obroka, naročito onih jutarnjih, evo jednog takvog.

Kao i kod svake kaše, sastojke i njihovu količinu po ukusu kombinujete. U moju kašu išli su sledeći sastojci:

speltinu kašu (po ukusu)
ovsene pahuljice (po ukusu)
šaka sirovih lešnika
1 banana
dve kašičice meda

Speltina kaša se potopi u malo vode na nekoliko minuta. Potom se zajedno sa ostalim sastojcima izmiksuje u blenderu. I eto vama laganog doručka!

Napomena: nekome je banana teška za početak dana. Meni u potpunosti ne smeta. 

English version

The winter has come, and with it more moving, more cuddling and all other verbs that can be associated with hibernation, warm home and love. At least for me. And in winter the food habits are usually different. Not to say, less healthy. It`s time for stews, roasted meat, etc. And since that kind of food doesn`t suit to everybody, it`s one reason more why hibernation is the inevitable imperative! And then spring comes, and with it a few pounds more, as well as dissatisfaction with the looks. Some people then continue to moan, and some start with accelerated exercises, so that they could be ready for summer.

For me, hard digestive food is always as hard, and I tend to avoid it. It`s sometimes not doable, considering the fact that my husband is a typical Vojvodinian gourmand (who likes to eat meat and greasy food), but I usually succeed. By years I was attending the gym (especially in winter, when there`s nobody there), and since I haven`t been going there for a few months already, I try to replace that with regular home trainings. If it`s at least 3x20 minutes, it`s more effective that excuses. I still tend to drink one juice of a grape and two oranges per day, and when I don`t have any of those fruit I add lemon. I don`t add sugar nor water into the juice. So, it turns out that I take at least one grape and two oranges per day, which is not bad, considering my height and weight. And trust me, not bad for my stomach neither.

When we are at stomach and easy meals, especially the morning ones, here`s one such.

As well as with other porridges, the ingredients you choose based on your taste. These were the ingredients for my porridge:

spelt porridge
a handful of hazelnuts
1 banana
2 coffespoons of honey

Spelt porridge is first dipped into little water. Afterwards you mix it with all other ingredients in a blender, and voila - you have an easy meal.

Bananas are for some hard for the beginning of the day. But for me, they`re totally fine. 

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