Priča o starim cipelama //// The story about some old shoes

*Scroll down for English version

Imam te neke jeftino kupljene cipelice, koje sam nabavila pre jedno dve godine. Srcu su veoma drage, ali njihova estetika polako počinje da popušta pred teretom vremena. U momentu rađanja ideje o tome šta sa njima, jedna cipelica se čak i zagubila... Druga je tražila da je nekako izmenim, ne bi li opet zasijala i bila moderna.

Onda sam se setila jednog od elegantnih i unikatnih para cipela firme Irregular choice, koje merkam već neko vreme. Moje cipele nimalo ne liče na njih, ali što ne bih i ja stavila satensku traku umesto ove tanke pertle, ne bi li ih malo oživela?!

Kod Kineza kupih pakovanje crne satenske trake, kući nađoh jednu malu zihernadlu, jer je bilo pitanje kako traku provući kroz tako male otvore na cipeli. Ovo je rešenje:

Rupice i dalje nisu bile dovoljno velike, pa sam ih širila jednim krajem makaza. Kada sam celu traku provukla, krajeve sam po svom ukusu isekla, mašnice sam zavezala, i moje cipelice sada  izgledaju ovako:

Svakako je bolje nego da sam ih bacila!

English version

I have those cheaply bought shoes, which I got two years ago. They are very fond to my heart, but their aesthetics slowly begins to weaken in front of the time. In the moment of creating the idea of what to do with them, one shoes was even lost. The other one want to be upgrades somehow, so that it could shine again. 

Then I remembered one pair of unique and elegant shoes of Irregular choice, which I have had my eyes on for a while now. My shoes are not the that kind of style at all, but why shouldn`t I also put satin ribbon instead of these shoelaces, so that they get a bit of life again?!

In Chinese store I bought satin ribbon, I found one small pin for putting the ribbon through small holes on the shoes. 

The holes still weren`t big enough, so I widen them a bit with one end of scissors. After that I put the ribbon through the holes for shoelaces, I cut the ends to my taste, and I tied the bows. And I got my new old shoes! 

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