Iščekivanje ///// Expecting

*Scroll down for English version

Išekivanje obično guši.
Prepuno je anticipacija, pitanja i uzburkanih emocija.
Vreme tada kao da sporije prolazi,
i sa sobom nosi puno neizvesnosti.
Kod sebe uočiš strahove i nestrpljenje,
zbog kojih ti je ponekad teško i sam sebe da izdržiš.

A opet ima i onih momenata u životu kada iščekivanje baš prija.
Kada uspeš da ne razmišljaš toliko o toj budućnosti koja te čeka,
jer je i ova sadašnjost puna mogućnosti.
Kada si sposoban da uživaš u svakom trenutku,
i na momente poželiš da se to iščekivanje čak i ne završi.
Jer osećaš da te obogaćuje i oplemenjuje.

Ta sadašnjost je samo uvertira za ono što te čeka,
i zato želiš da je obgrliš,
izdišeš celim plućima,
oslušneš celim srcem,
i spreman dočekaš tu budućnost kojoj toliko težiš!

*All photos by Darko Novaković

English version

Expecting something usually suffocates you.
It`s full of anticipation, questions and mixed emotions.
It`s like the time is passing slower,
and is if it brings more uncertainty with itself.
You notice fears and impatience,
because of which you are sometimes hard for yourself to handle.

And then again, there are moments in life when expecting something is very pleasant and it makes you enjoy.
When you don`t think about the awaiting future much,
because this present is full of possibilities too.
When you are capable to enjoy every moment,
and from time to time you wish that expecting never to end.
Because you feel that it enriches you.

That present is just the intro of what is waiting for you,
and you want to embrace it,
to breath it with full lungs,
listen to it with the whole heart of yours,
and be prepared to wait that future which you long for that much!

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