DIY: čiviluk za odeću //// DIY: clothes hanger

*Scroll down for English version

U periodu pre porođaja imala sam dosta vremena da budem kreativna. Samo da sam htela. A htela sam. I bila sam. 

Već sam spominjala da naš Mateo za sada ima samo mali kutak u zajedničkoj sobi (dok ne poraste i istera nas iz nje). Zato sam se potrudila da ga maksimalno iskoristim i ulepšam. Dobro, zbog sebe da ga ulepšam, jer i ja u toj sobi boravim veći deo dana, a on je mala beba kojoj je svejedno kako je ukrašen prostor dok god ima dovoljno hrane i ruku za nosanje. 

Kada samo postavili sve police i Mateov ormarić, i kada sam shvatila da je i on (kao i tata) morao mami da "pozajmi" jednu policu za njenu odeću, shvatila sam da će uskoro biti malo mesta za njegovu.

Šetajući Fruškom gorom palo mi je na pamet da jednu lepu granu koju sam ugledala provučem kroz policu i njegovu odeću okačim na nju. Tako je i on dobio svoj čiviluk.

Granu sam prelakirala zaštitnim lakom za akrilne boje da se ne bi krunio, a na krajeve sam obmotala jutin konopac. Radi estetike, ali i da grana ne klizi kroz metalna postolja.

Jedva čekam da napunim ovaj čiviluk :)

English version

Right before I gave a birth I had a lot of time to be creative. If I wanted. And I wanted it. And I was.

I have already mentioned that Mateo for now has got only one small corner of the common room for himself. That is before he gets older and get us away from the room. That`s why I tried to completely use that little corner and make it as beautiful as I can. Ok, it`s mostly because of me, since I`m spending most of my time in that room too, and he`s just a little baby, who doesn`t care about the aesthetics, as long as he has plenty of food and arms for cuddling.

When we fixed wall shelves and his little closet, and when I realised that he (the same as his father) had to give his mother one shelf for her clothes, I realised that soon there won`t be enough space for his clothes.

As I was walking to our Fruska gora mountain I noticed one beautiful branch and immediately saw it as a clothes hanger for Mateo, hanging on a shelf on the wall.

I covered the branch with acrylic polish and on the ends of it I placed yute rope. For the aesthetics and for fixating the branch on the shelf.

I can`t wait to fill this hanger with clothes :)

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