Ne volim... ///// I don`t like...

*Scroll down for English version

...kada se ljudi po svaku cenu uklapaju u kalupe. Ne pitaju, ne razmišljaju već slepo prate standarde i ono što je prihvaćeno. Kao da ne veruju da i oni mogu imati nešto unikatno, nešto u čemu zdušno uživaju, pa čak i ako to nije prihvaćeno od strane većine. Ti ljudi često ni ne izražavaju baš svaki svoj stav, iz straha da mogu upasti u konflikt sa drugima. Pa odluče da ćute! A ja opet mislim da je "prazan zid, bez natpisa i grafita, najtužniji zid."

Ne volim kada ljudi stalno kukaju. Volim da kažem: kada "bez pokrića" kukaju. Teško je stalno biti nasmejan, znam. I ponekad prija govoriti kako ti je teško i kako bi voleo da je nešto drugačije. Ali, to stalno raditi, za sve i svja, e to već ničemu ne vodi. Zakopava u mestu, ne dozvoljava promene. Kukaju radi kukanja samo emocionalni vampiri i takvih je najbolje kloniti se!

A tako je u stvari lako promeniti perspektivu. Iste stvari pogledati iz drugog ugla. Toliko toga novog se može otkriti, da je to iznenađujuće.

Ne volim kada su ljudi ubeđeni da sve što rade rade ispravno i da je to jedini način da se dođe do cilja. Prvo, timski rad nikome nije naudio. Kao ni malo mašte. Nisu samo deca ta koja treba da maštaju. Oslušnite svoje srce, svoje emocije. Često vam baš one mogu ukazati na pravi put do rešenja. Nije razum zvezda vodilja u svim situacijama. Treba naravno biti dovoljno odrastao da razaznaš u kojim situacijama bi ga valjalo koristiti, a u kojima ne. A najbolji su oni trenuci u kojima mašta i razum sarađuju, koliko god to delovalo nestvarno. Jer to su momenti toliko bogati različitim rešenjima. Bogati emocijama, pozitivnim mislima i uspesima.

E takvim trenucima želim da težim! E njih baš volEm!

English version

...when people wants to fit in no matter what. They don`t ask, don`t think, but blindly follow the standards and what is commonly accepted. As if they don`t believe that they also can have something unique, something in which they honestly indulge themselves, even though it`s not accepted from the majority. Those people usually don`t express their attitude, from dear that they could get in conflict with others. And so they decide to be mute! Silent! On the other side I like to think that "the empty wall, is the saddest wall".

I don`t like when people always moan. I like to say: to moan without a coverage. It`s hard always to be happy, I know. And sometimes it feels good to say how hard it is and to moan a bit about wanting something to be different. However, doing that all the time doesn`t lead you anywhere. It burries you in one place, doesn`t lead you to any change. Moaning for moaning is a characteristic of emotional vampires, and these are the ones one should avoid.

And yet, it`s so easy to change a perspective. To see the same things from different angles. So much new you can discover, that it can surprise you. 

I don`t like when people are convinced that they`re doing everything right, and that it`s the only way to reach the goal. Firstly, team work never killed anyone. As well as a little bit of imagination. It`s not just children who should dream. Listen to your heart, to your emotions. Often they are the ones that can lead you to the solution. Common sense is not always the right choice. Of course, you should be adult enough to recognise the moments in which you should use common sense and in which you can use your imagination. But, the best moments are the ones in which you can use both, even though it sounds unreal. Because, these are the moments that are so fruitful with different solutions. Rich with emotions, positive thinking and success.

These are the moments I want to direct myself to. These are the moments that I LIKE!

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