My first recycled lampshade

Već dugo razmišljam da recikliram ovu predivnu lampu, jer se na žalost sva iscepala. Posle dugih razmišljanja, menjanja ideja, krenula sam sa oblaganjem lampe u krep papir. Evolucija moje nove lampe je izgledala ovako:


For a long time I`ve been thinking about how to recycle this wonderful lamp, because unfortunately, its paper has been cut on few places. After long contemplations, changing of ideas, I decided to cover it with crepe paper. Evolution of my new lamp has looked like this:

Ovu lampu je pravila jedna moja talentovana, i srcu veoma draga, drugarica, ali je već dosta stara, te je vremenom postala i "falična":


This lamp was made by one very talented and close to my heart friend, but it`s pretty old already, so by time it has become flawed.

Kao što ranije rekoh, kojekakve ideje su mi padale na pamet, pa sam pre neki dan spontano krenula u akciju, seckajući krep papir. Početna ideja je bila da je obložim poput meksičke pinate. Posle sam dodala i jutu i na kraju je dobila potpuno autentičan izgled. Iskreno, ideja mi se svidela, ali je gotovo rešenje pomalo neuredno i amatersko. No, na kraju krajeva, ja i jesam amater, i ovo je tek početak mojih kreativnih putešestvija. Ko zna kakve će mi biti naredne lampe? :)

Volela bih da ovo bude koristan tutorial za sve vas koji bi želeli da probaju nešto slično. Zato ću vam dati nekoliko saveta iz iskustva, obzirom da je ovo "presvlačenje" lampe trajalo gotovo ceo dan (usput sam gledala film i išla u nabavku materijala) :)

1. Prvo sam sekla trake sa jednim slojem. Međutim, obzirom da je krep papir dosta tanak, pokušaji da zalepim sledeću traku (ispod) su doživljavali propast, jer su se krajevi trake od gore cepali ili lepili za ovu sledeću. Pokušavala sam i pokušavala, i onda sam sve odlepila i počela da se sečem duple trake. Svaka traka je bila široka oko 20cm, pa sam je presavila na pola i onda seckala. Izbliza se može dobro videti:


As I`ve said previously, lots of different ideas were coming to my mind, but a few days ago I finally went into action, by starting covering it with crepe paper. Starting idea was to cover the lamp as a mexican pinata. Afterwards, I spontaneously added yute and at the end I got very authentical look. Honestly, I liked the whole idea, but it turned out a bit messy and ameteur. But on the other side, I AM the amateur, and this is only the beginning of my creative endeavours. Who knows what my future lamps will look like? :)

I would like this to be a useful tutorial to all of you who would like to try something similar one day. These are a few of my advices from the experience, considering the fact that "covering" of the lamp lasted for almost the whole day ( I was watching movie also, and went into shopping of materials needed) :)

1. Firstly I cut stripes with one layer. However, considering the fact that crepe paper is very thin, my attempts to glue one stripe below the other were a disaster, since little ends of the stripes were cutting or glueing to the stripe below. I was trying and trying, and then I glued everything off and started to cut double layered stripes. Every stripe was about 20cm wide, so I fold it on half and then cut the little ends. You can see better from close:

2. Krep papir sam na lampu krenula prvo da lepim običnim lepkom za papir. Nikako! Sav se izgužvao i nije hteo da se osuši. Onda sam se prisetila one dvostrane lepljive trake i to je bio pun pogodak!

3. Juta se lepi naravno na kraju. Lepila sam je vrućim lepkom.

4. Celo iskustvo je trajalo dosta dugo. Prošla je ponoć, a ja nisam mogla da dočekam sutra da završim, pa sam počela da brzam. Nisam sve krajeve traka sekla u jednakoj dužini, pa zato sada izgleda malo neuredno. Ono što je dobro je da svaka traka za sebe može da se odlepi, tako da ću u budućnosti možda odlepiti one najneurednije i polepiti nove. Do tada ću uživati u njoj ovakvoj :)


2. I first started to glue crepe paper on a lamp with a regular paper glue. NEVER do that! It got all rumpled and it didn`t want to dry. Then I remembered that double side glue tape and it was a full shot!

3. I glued yute at the end, of course. I glued it with hot glue.

4.  The whole experience lasted for a very long time. The midnight has already passed, and I couldn`t wait to finish it tomorrow, so I started to hurry, wanting to finish it as soon as possible. I didn`t cut all the small ends of layers in equal length, so that`s why maybe it looks a bit messy. The good thing is that each stripe can be
glued off by itself, so in the future I`ll maybe glue the messiest parts off and glue the new ones. Until then I`ll enjoy in it like this :)

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