DIY: my wall galleries

*Scroll down for English version

Ne volim bele zidove. Ako već mora da su beli, ne volim ih prazne. Minimalistika mi je inače hladna i bezdušna. I u svojoj devojačkoj sobi, a i sada u svom malom stanu, volim da spajam različite stilove prlikom uređenja prostora, i može se reći da mi je životni prostor pun detalja. Jer, u detaljima je poenta!

Jedna od omiljenih mesta za uređenje su mi oduvek bili zidovi. Od postera iz tinejdž doba, preko raznih pluta tabli, pa do kombinovanja različitih ramova za slike. Volim to poigravanje oblicima, bojama i veličinama, u jednom ograničenom prostoru. Prošli put sam spomenula kako ću vam prikazati malu zidnu galeriju koju sam ukrasila i DIY zidnim držačem za slike iz prošlog posta. O ovome sam vam pričala:

Ovakav izgled slučajno je nastao. Prvobitno su tu bile neke druge slike. U većini ovih ramova, sa drugačijim rasporedom. Sada je trebalo dodati sat i veliki braon, drveni ram, pa se čitava koncepcija promenila. Na zidu je bilo puno rupa od eksera, pa sam odlučila da prvo probam sama nešto da osmislim, pre nego što pozovem muža da gituje te rupe, i verovatno posle malo da prekreči. Postavila sam ramove u ovakvom rasporedu tako da sam prekrila sve rupe, ali razmak drvenog velikog rama nije bio jedan gore i dole. Takođe, moj DIY ram od ofingera je nekako štrčao. Onda sam se setila washi trake, i počela da je lepim. Mislim da je učinila svoje i dala neki lep touch, kao što to ona uvek čini.  

Preko puta ovog zida je jedan stari koji sam vam već predstavljala.

Na njemu je još jedan moj DIY zidni ram. Ispod njega muževljeva veridbena pesmica, a levo destinacije na kojima sam bila, na koje ću tek da idem. Za početak, barem u snovima.

Sve je naravno iz sobe pune ljubavi, rezervisane za odmor i lepe stvari. Spavaće sobe - uskoro dečijo-spavaće. Pa će vremenom verovatno i fotografije i koncept ovih galerija polako da se menjaju.

U dnevnoj sobi sam se takođe malo poigravala idejom zidne galerije.

Stan mi je inače u uglu zgrade, pa je svetlo problematično u toku celog dana. Nadam se da ste ipak uspeli da steknete neki utisak o nekim od zidova u mom stanu.

Šta vi radite sa vašim zidovima?

English version

I don`t like white walls. If they have to be white, I don`t like them empty. Minimalistic style is cold and soulless for me. In my girl room before, and now in my small apartment, I like merging different styles in decorating, and one could say that my life space is full of details. Because, in details lies the point!

One of favourite spaces for decorating for me have always been the walls. From different posters in my teenage time, through cork tables, up to combining of different picture frames. I like that playing with shapes, colours and sizes, in one limited space. Last time I mentioned that I`ll show you my wall gallery with that DIY picture hanger I presented..

This gallery turned out like this accidentally. Firstly, on that wall there were some other pictures. in most of these frames, in a different order. Now, I had to add the wall clock and that big wooden frame, so the whole concept was changed. There were lots of holes on the wall, from the previous order of picture frame, and I decided to figure something out, before I call my husband to lute them and probably paint over them again. I put the frames in this order so I managed to cover all the holes, but I had another problem now. Above and beyond that big wooden frame, there wasn`t the same space, and it looked just ugly and incomplete. Also, my DIY picture hanger was kind of sticking out. Then I remember washi tape, and I just started taping it. I think that it did the justice and added some kind of nice touch, like it always does.

Across this wall there`s the wall I have already presented to you. Another DIY wall picture frame of mine, below which there`s the engagement song of my husband, and on the left the destinations to which I have been, or still plan to visit. At least, in my dreams. All is of course from the room full of love, happiness and beautiful things. Our bedroom. Soon to be joint bedroom-children room. So probably, the concept and the photographs on the walls will change in time.

In our living room I also played a bit with the walls and wall galleries.

My apartment is in the corner of the building, so the light is problematic during the whole day. I hope that you managed to get the picture and some kind of impression of my wall galleries.

How do you play with your walls?

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